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Terms & Conditions

Thank you for choosing G.Moore & Co Ltd to provide you with a quotation and set up the cover for your Private Medical insurance.

You will have received the following documents by email: –

  • G.Moore & Co Ltd Privacy Notice

  • G.Moore & Co Ltd Terms Of Business.

  • Private Medical Insurance documents and ID Card

To complete your purchase we need you to confirm you have read all of the documents provided to you and that you agree to the terms and conditions set out in those documents.

G.Moore & Co Ltd only deal with a limited number of companies for Private medical insurance, therefore the policies are sold based on Information only without any advice or recommendation.

We will contact you approximately 21 days before your insurance policy is due to expire (using the contact details you have provided) to see if you would like to renew your policy. If your contact details change please let us know at your earliest convenience.




























By clicking on the 'Submit' button you confirm that you have received, read and agree to the terms and conditions.

You are happy that the policy offered meets your demands and needs, and that you are aware that the cancellation terms have been received within your policy documents, administration fees will apply. You have also chosen not to receive all of the information / documents in paper form that are available to you now and at the renewal of your policies. You are aware that they can be requested at any time free of charge. G.Moore & Co have discussed the policy with me and you are satisfied with the service you have received. You have give complete and accurate information. You are aware of your duty of disclosure as stated in G.Moore & Co's terms of business, and the consequences from insurers of supplying inaccurate information.

If for any reason you can not agree to our terms of conditions please call (01535) 643262 to discuss.

Terms and Conditions Acceptance

Thanks for submitting!

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